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WebsydianSEI - Message

WSE0018 - Error reading basic session data

Error message

Error in function &1: Could not read data for session &2. See previous message &3.


&1 - The function trying to read information for the session
&2 - The identification of the session
&3 - A previous message containing further information about the error


A function tried to read data about the current session.
However a session could not be read.
A previous message has been thrown - containing further information about the error.
The function will have terminated and the user has been shown a generic error message.


Check the previous message (&3).
This error would normally only happen during development, and is most often caused by the session ID not being populated in the WebInput variable of an EventHandler.


Should not occur in production. Contact Websydian Support if it is not possible to resolve the error from the previous message (&3).